This Ascension is a gothic/ethereal band from Southern California that formed in 1988. They have released four albums on their own label Tess Records from 1989 to 1999 to major acclaim and growing popularity...........
2.just assassin
Hi, I'm just discovering your blog and it's totally awesome.
ReplyDeleteThat said compared to your culture in those edgy musical genres I'm a noob! And the huge number of references here is quite overwhelming.
Could you maybe orient me towards the articles/albums on this site that you consider absolute must-have?
Thanks in advance, and thanks anyway for this great blog.
hi' vermine' sorry for the delay to answer you back' had a few weeks off and now i'm back''
ReplyDeleteanyway thanks for the comments' i don't know which one i recommend to you' but some of my post are really recommended just check all of my old post and recent and later on this month i will post more underground new wave eighties thanks again..